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Контрольная по английскому





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Вариант №2. I. Спишите, подчеркните сказуемое. Определите видовременную форму и залог глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 1. The news will be of great interest. 2. The train leaves at 12.30. 3. I'm working now. 4. Charles Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the first calculating machine at 1812. 5. Do you work at this lab? 6. That machine did complicated calculation faster than any mathematician. 7. The toys are made in Japan. 8. I won’t tell anybody about it. 9. - Have you ever been to Liberia? - Yes, I was there in May. 10. The conference will be held in May. II. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму. К выделенным словам задайте специальные вопросы: 1. They are leaving for Moscow tomorrow. 2. I have already examined the market. 3. They discussed possible pricing yesterday. 4. The train arrives in Moscow at about 19.00. 5. He will enter the Management faculty. III. Поставьте вместо точек модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты: 1. The buses were full, I … take a taxi. 2. - What were your instructions about phoning, Bill? - I … phone him at 6.00. 3. Tom was often late and his boss told him that he … come earlier. 4. The policeman told the driver that he … drive more carefully. 5. The woman is looking ill. She … see a doctor. IV. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в соответствующую форму. Помните о согласовании времен в придаточных предложениях условия и времени. 1. If I (to hear) any news, I (to phone) you. 2. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university. 3. I (to stay) at the custom-house until they (to examine) the goods. 4. The manager (to ring) you up when he (to come). 5. As soon as we (to receive) your telegram, we (to instruct) our Moscow office to prepare the goods for shipment. V. Используйте вместо прямой речи косвенную: 1. I asked him: “Please, open the door.” 2. I said to her: “Copy this letter.” 3. I said to him: “Please, don’t be angry.” 4. He said to me: “Don’t wait for me.” 5. She said to me: “Don’t be late.” VI. Спишите, подчеркните причастие II, определите его функцию и переведите предложение на русский язык: 1. The answer received from the sellers greatly surprised us. 2. A broken cup was lying on the table. 3. Packed in strong cases the goods arrived in good condition. 4. The captain informed us of the quantity of wheat loaded in. VII. Спишите и переведите, обращая внимание на перевод сложного дополнения (Complex Object): 1. I would like the Seller to supply the goods in August. 2. We watched the train leaving the station. 3. I saw Borisov buying some books a few minutes ago. 4. We want Green & Co to deliver the goods in February. VIII. Переведите текст и выполните задания к нему: Regulations of International Business Some governments impose various regulations on business in their countries. Sometimes these regulations discourage foreign companies from entering home market. In some countries all international businesses must have local partners. In other countries a foreign firm must have at least one native in the top management of a branch or a subsidiary. Some governments, for example in Mexico, insist that the local partners have the controlling interest. However, big firms like IBM refuse to do business on these grounds and usually manage to find the way out. Government regulations limit what a company may do. For example, some countries demand that the company files a plan indicating what it is going to produce, how many local workers it is going to hire and how much it will pay them. This plan must also fit into the government economic master plan. If the country changes its master plan, the foreign firm must change its plans, too. - Выпишите из текста предложения с модальными глаголами, переведите их. - Ответьте на вопросы письменно: 1. How do the government regulations affect the foreign companies? 2. What must foreign companies have in some countries? 3. Whom must foreign companies have in their subsidiaries’ top management? 4. How do big firms react to government regulations? 5. What do some governments demand a foreign company should file? 6. What must the company’s plan fit into? 7. What happens if the government changes its master plan? IX. Сделайте письменный перевод текста: What is Macroeconomics? The word “macroeconomics” means economics in the large. The macroeconomist’s concerns are with such global questions as total production, total employment, the rate of change of overall prices, the rate of economic growth and so on. The questions asked by the macroeconomist are in terms of broad aggregates - what determines the spending of all consumers as opposed to the microeconomic question of how the spending decisions of individual households are made; what determines the capital spending of all firms combined as opposed to the decision to build a new factory by a single firm; what determines total unemployment in the economy as opposed to why there have been layoffs in a specific industry. Macroeconomists measure overall economic activity; analyze the determinants of such activity by the use of macroeconomic theory: forecast future economic activity; and attempt to formulate policy responses designed to reconcile forecasts with target values of production, employment and prices. An important task of macroeconomics is to develop ways of aggregating the values of the economic activities of individuals and firms into meaningful totals. To this end such concepts as gross domestic product (GDP), national income, personal income and personal disposable income have been developed. Macroeconomic analyses attempts to explain how the magnitudes of the principal macroeconomic variables are determined and how they interact. And through the development of the theories of the business cycle and economic growth, macroeconomics helps to explain the dynamics of how these aggregates move over time. Macroeconomics is concerned with such major policy issues as the attainment and maintenance of full employment and price stability. Considerable effort must first be expended to determine what goals could be achieved. Experience teaches that it would not be possible to eliminate inflation entirely without inducting a major recession combined with high unemployment. Similarly, an overambitious employment target would produce labour shortages and wage inflation.

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