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Контрольная по английскому





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Задание контрольной работы:
1. Перед вами качества, необходимые для человека, желающего начать свой бизнес. Пронумеруйте их, согласно вашему представлению, от наименее важных к наиболее важным и составьте с каждым из них предложения:
Financial backing; a sense of adventure; a business background; luck; ambition; a good marketing strategy; good contacts; original ideas; hard work and dedication.

2. а) Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно:
Business leaders and success stories.
Today we are going to tell you about a beauty-industry icon who literally changed the face of the cosmetics industry: Estée Lauder.
Josephine Esther Mentzer, known as Estée, was born in Queens, New York in 1908, the daughter of Hungarian and Czech immigrants. From an early age she was fascinated by the lotion and potions developed by her uncle, a chemist. She began her business career in the 1930s, selling his skin care products to New York beauty salons and hotels.
In the 1940s, she founded the Estée Lauder Company together with her husband, Joseph Lauder. Her first major breakthrough was in 1948, when she managed to get counter space at New York’s prestigious Saks Fifth Avenue department store.
Estée Lauder was a combination of ambition and stubbornness that enabled her to get ahead in the business world. A risk-taker, she was the first sales person to pioneer the idea of giving away free product samples. This risk paid off, and she was able to expand her range of skin care products and introduced other cosmetics and perfumes. In the 1960s, she ventured into the male cosmetic market, and brought out the very successful Aramis product line. Another of her brilliant business ideas was the medically tested and fragrance-free Clinique line.
Today, the Estée Lauder Company consists of many well-known brand names such as M.A.C., Bobbi Brown, Tommy Hilfiger, Donna Karan, and many, many more. The products are sold in 130 countries around the world and the company has a turnover of over six billion dollars.
Her family was always very important to Estée, and although the company went public in 1995, the majority of the stock is held by Lauder family members and the company is currently headed by one of her grandsons.
Sadly Estée died in 2004, but she will be remembered by all as an entrepreneur who was never willing to settle for anything but the best.
б) Является ли утверждение верным(T) или ложным(F)?
1. Estée was born Josephine Esther Mertzer.
2. Estée’s parents were Bulgarian immigrants.
3. The first Estée Lauder counter was opened at Saks’ on 5th Avenue in 1938.
4. The company started to sell beauty products for men in the 1960s.
5. The Estée Lauder Company consists of mane well-known names.
6. The company went public at the end of the twentieth century.
3. Составьте предложения, используя начало из колонки А и конец из колонки В:
1. Further to call you, a) our terms are 8% discount for orders over 80,000.
2. I hope everything goes b) if you need any further information.
3. With reference to discounts, c) according to plan.
4. Our terms of payment are d) I’d like to confirm the following points.
5. Please get back to me e) 3% discount for payment within 30 days.
6. Please find attached the f) that you have received this email.
agenda of the meeting
7. We have submitted a g) 10,000 parts per month.
8. Transport costs are h) firm offer of $100 per item.
9. We can guarantee delivery of i) as requested.
10. Please confirm j) free within Europe.

4. Заполните пропуски словами по смыслу:

investment agreement accounts shareholders

Private limited company (Ltd)

This type of company is owned by a small group of individuals, the _______________, who are very often the members of one family. You can only sell your shares if the owners are in _____. You have limited liability so you only lose your _________ if the company runs into trouble. You have a lot of paper work to do as you have to publish your ___________ every year.

5. Придумайте рекламную компанию для новой линии парфюмерной продукции. Обратите внимание на будущих потребителей вашей продукции (Group A, Group B, Group C).
What name do you think would attract this group?
What sort of bottle and packaging would appeal to this group?
How do you want to get attention?

Group A: The target group is men who are over 40. You are aiming your product at professional men and so they will have a good income. Think about what men in this group would be interested in and what would encourage them to buy your product.

Group B: The target group is women who are between 50 and 60. Think about what women in this group would find appealing and what image might help your product sell.

Group C: The target group is young people who are between 18 and 25. Your group has a limited income as most of them will be students. Think about what image people in this group would be intrested in and what they would find appealing.

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