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КОНТРОЛЬНОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ №4 ВАРИАНТ 1. I. Переведите письменно следующие предложения с субъектным и объектным инфинитивными оборотами. 1. The discovery shows the atomic nucleus to be a vast source of energy. 2. This school is considered to be the best in the town. 3. These materials were said to be carefully tested in the Institute's laboratory. II. Переведите письменно предложения с независимым и зависимым причастными оборотами. 1. Having developed speed of 90 km, he got into an automobile accident. 2. He works at a plant producing new machinery. 3. The goods having been loaded, the dockers left the port. III. Переведите письменно условные предложения. 1. If the scientists found the ways to predict earthquakes, it would be possible to evacuate people from the dangerous regions. 2. If you approach the town from the west, you will see a tall Stack of chemical works. 3. If they had met with such difficulties before, they would have known what to do now. IV. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст. THE CONQUEST OF CHOMOLUNGMA 1. Chomolungma is known to be the highest point of land in the world. Since die end of the nineteenth Century many attempts had been made to conquer it. But it was only in 1953 that two members of the British expedition headed by Colonel J. Hunt succeeded in reaching the top. 2. The first men to have done so were Hillary and Tenzing. Before this successful climb, there had been ten other expeditions whose aim was to examine the mountain and to find а route. 3. Naturally, climbing at a great height can hardly be considered easy. However, it is neither snow nor ice, that are the greatest enemies. One of the serious difficulties that the climber meets with is a shortage of oxygen in the air, not to mention the climate to which one has to adapt oneself. 4. In early March 1953 the expedition arrived at the Capital of Nepal from which Chomolungma is 150 miles away. As there were no good roads, the journey had to be made on foot. A large number of porters were needed to сапу the expedition's supplies and equipment. 5. To secure a safe ascent a number of camps and bases were set up all along the way to the top. 6. The climbers were reported to have been Walking up for sixteen days when at last they saw Chomolungma in front of them. But to reach the summit they had to pass a river of ice moving slowly along the valley. This was a regular wall of broken ice almost inaccessible for climbing. 7. Being too tired to continue their way the courageous mountaineers stopped and set up the last camp so that the next morning they could complete their ascent. It was at this place that Hillary and Tenzing especially felt the thinness of the air. So during the night they were said to have been helped by a little oxygen which restored their strength. 8. At dawn they started off notwithstanding pain, tiredness and great cold. Higher and higher the two men climbed, roped together Each step forward needed a great effort of body and mind. They were seen to be moving step by step towards the glittering peak. Slow but sure. Sure of success in harnessing nature. At midday they stood on the summit of the great mountain. It was a victory won by hard effort of man and science. Слова и пояснения к тексту Chomolungma - Джомолунгма not to mention the climate - не говоря уже о климате ascent - восхождение notwithstanding - Несмотря на slow but sure - медленно, но уверенно V. Перечитайте первый абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос: Who were the first men to succeed in reaching the top of Chomolungma? КОНТРОЛЬНОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ № 5 ВАРИАНТ 1 I. Перепишите и переведите письменно предложения; обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов should и would. 1. The supplies should be shipped to the Antarctic expedition in summer. 2. Without filling stations it would be impossible to make long journeys by car. 3. If there were no atomic ice-breakers there would be no possibility to reach the North Pole. II. Перепишите и переведете письменно предложения с инфинитивными и причастными оборотами. 1. They spoke about the work to be done in the near future. 2. Rubber is known to have been brought from America.  3. Mendeleyev formulated the Periodic law of elements, the table of elements having his name. 4. Scientists proved the new fuel to be very efficient. 5. Unless well heated the engine must not be started. III. Перепишите и переведите письменно предложения, обратив внимание на различные значения выделенных слов. 1. The problems of water supply in this town are as important as those of heating 2. Microscope is quite necessary for this work. 3. This material will be used both in space apparatus and in underwater devices. IV. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст. MICROSCOPE FOR USE UNDER WATER 1. The first microscope which can be used below the surface of the sea has been devised by scientists at the California University at Santa Barbara. They plan to use it to study marine organisms in their natural environment, and hope that this will prove useful in their work on commercial cultivation of marine life, and in observing the effects of pollution on sea plants and creatures. 2. Dr. M. Neushul, Dr. А С. Charters and Mr. B. Coon designed the microscope, which was built by Mr. N. Lammer at the University's Marine Laboratory. The new system is а development of the conventional dipping cone microscope, which is designed to operate under the surface of water, so that aquatic life can be studied in the laboratory. The microscope itself is almost entirely enclosed in a transparent plastic box. Controls, operated through watertight apertures, as in some underwater cameras, and a battery housed separately to supply power for the microscope light, complete the system. 3. It is even possible to take microphotographs using this equipment, and, as Dr. Neushul points out, "there is really no substitute for direct observation of plants and animals in their natural habitat". The research which will be aided by the new microscope is as interesting as the tool itself. The university scientists have developed a programme to explore the commercial potential of cultivated seaweed to the point where they are planting their own seaweeds in one of the world's first "marine farms". 4. Even the largest of marine plants begin life as microscopically small spores. So a new window has been opened on the reproduction and growth of these plants, during the critical early stages of their development. 5. It is known that sewage and industrial pollution cause drastic, large-scale changes in the life near to the seabed but the detailed nature of these changes сan be revealed only microscopically. If the effects of pollution are to be counteracted, and assuming that waste continues to be discharged untreated into the sea, then the underwater microscope will undoubtedly play a large part in determining what action must be taken. Слова и пояснения к тексту dipping - погружаемый cone - конусообразный controls - регуляторы, ручки настройки aperture - отверстие seaweed - морская водоросль V. Прочитайте еще раз последний абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос: Why will the underwater microscope play a large part? КОНТРОЛЬНОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ 6 ВАРИАНТ 1 I .Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст TRAMS MAY BE ON THE WAY BACK 1. The tram, discarded by many British cities before and after the war, may be heading for comeback. 2. Newcastle Passenger Transport Executive has commissioned a study of the feasibility of Converting the 20-mile north Tyneside loop railway into an electric light train ОГ tramway system. 3. The advantages of the tram are the following: it is considerably cheaper than the conventional railway, quieter, free from exhaust fumes, and able to provide a more frequent service with more stops. Renewed interest is being shown in both Europe and America, where existing systems are being extended and new up-to- date vehicles are coming into service. 4. Dr. Tony Ridley, director-general of the transport executive, said: "we are aware of the considerable amount of work that is being done in the development of such systems in various parts of the world, particularly in Western Europe. 5. "It is envisaged that such a railway would offer advantages not easily attainable with other transport systems. Having relatively small electrically powered stock, it would be silent in operation and devoid of fumes. It would therefore be more acceptable environmentally than the present railway. 6. By offering additional stops and a more frequent service, coupled with high performance, it could combine the attractiveness of a semi-express bus service with the operational advantages of a guided railway system." Слова и пояснения к тексту: to discard - выбрасывать (за ненадобностью) feasibility - возможность, выполнимость, осуществимость loop - ветка (железнодорожная, трамвайная) attainable - достижимый stock - двигатель devoid of - свободный от II. Ответьте на вопрос: What are the advantages of the tram?

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