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Контрольная работа по предмету Английский на тему: Контрольная по английскому

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Контрольная по английскому




Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова

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Контрольная работа Вариант №3. Задание №1. Найдите английские эквиваленты русским конструкциям. 1. эта упаковка нуждается в особом обращении; 2. продавец несет ответственность за любое повреждение, вызванное неправильной упаковкой; 3. товары должны отгружаться в экспортной упаковке, соответствующей типу каждого вида товара; 4. из-за отправки не по адресу вследствие неправильной маркировки; 5. предотвратите свободное перемещение товаров внутри упаковки; 6. поставка должна быть произведена не позднее; 7. упаковка должна обеспечивать защиту товара от любых повреждений; 8. маркировка должна быть сделана нестираемой краской. a) the delivery is to be effected not later than; b) the goods are to be shipped in export packing corresponding to the type of each item; c) the packing is to secure the safety of the goods from any damage; d) prevent free movement of the goods inside' the package; e) the Seller is responsible for any damage to the goods caused by improper packing; r) the marking shall be made with indelible paint; g) this package requires special handling; h) ... due to dispatch to a wrong address owing to the incurred marking. Задание №2. Переведите следующие статьи контрактов на русский язык. Books of Account "The Parties’" books of account including, any records of purchase and sale appertaining to any trade done by any of "The Parties" under this agreement shall be open for inspection by any of "The Parties" at any reasonable time. Delivery Delivery location of the commodities will be by agreed “The Parties’” from time to time or as required by any of "The Parties" herein after referred to as “Delivery”. Insurance Any of “The Parties’” supplying commodities to the other is re¬sponsible for all insurance prior to "Delivery" and the other shall be responsible for all insurances after "Delivery". Задание № 3. Перепишите письма и переведите их текст на русский язык. 1. London, 12th Oct.,19. V/O"Rossexport", Smolenskaya-Senneya, 32/34, Moscow, 197038 Russia Dear Sirs, We shall be obliged if you will send us your latest catalogue of Passenger Cars and Motor Cycles. Yours faithfully, A.Smith & Co.,Ltd. 2. Moscow, 15th Oct., I9. Messrs. A. Smith & Co., Ltd., 20, Moorgate Street, London, E.C.2, England Dear Sirs, In accordance with your request, we have pleasure in sending you, under separate cover, our latest illustrated catalogue of Passenger Cars and Motor Cycles. We hope that the catalogue will be of interest to you. Yours faithfully, V/O "Rossexport" 3. London, 3rd January, I9... Dear Sirs, Order No.1016 . We enclose our cheque for ₤ 1,020. 10s. 8d. in final settle¬ment of your invoice dated the 20th December, 19..., for the goods shipped by S.S. "Svir" against our Order No.1616. Yours faithfully, ................ 4. Moscow, 6th January, 19, Dear Sirs, Order No. 1016 We acknowledge with thanks receipt, of your letter of the 3rd January enclosing your cheque for ₤ 1,020,.10s. 8d. in final payment of our invoice dated the 20th December, .19… for the goods shipped by S. S. "Svir" against Order No. 1016. Yours faithfully, …………. Задание № 4. Вставьте, где требуется, предлоги и переведите на русский язык. 1. We have received your cheque … ₤ 2,000 enclosed your letter ... the 15th June. 2. We are sending you, ... separate cover; our latest catalogue ... Compressors. 3. We have pleasure ... informing you that the goods ... your Order No. 225 were shipped ... the s. s. "Neva" yesterday.._ 4. ... accordance ... your request we are sending you a copy ... our invoice ....these goods. 5. We acknowledge ... thanks receipt ... your catalogue ... Gas Turbines. Задание № 5. Переведите на русский язык и составьте диалог, подобный данному. Telephone Conversation Mr. Smith: - Is that the Trade Delegation of Russia? Operator: - Yes, it is. Mr. Smith: - Put me through to Mr. Petrov's office, please. Secretary: - Mr. Petrov’s secretary speaking. Mr. Smith: - My name is Mr. Smith. I'd like to speak to Mr. Petrov. Secretary: - I am sorry, but Mr. Petrov isn't available at the' moment. Would you like to leave a message for him? Mr. Smith: - I have an appointment with Mr. Petrov. for 2o'clock this afternoon, but I am sorry I can't come today. I must go to Paris on business and I'll be back only on Friday morning. Can Mr. Petrov see me at two o'clock on Friday afternoon instead of today? Secretary: As far as I know, Mr. Petrov hasn't got any engagement for Friday afternoon, but I must speak to him before I can give you a definite answer. Will you leave your telephone number with me? Mr. Smith: Yes, certainly, I'll leave you the telephone number on which you can contact my secretary. It’s London Wall 2230, extension 21. Secretary: - I beg your pardon. Will you spell the exchange, please? Mr. Smith: - I'll spell the first three letters that you must dial: L for London, o for orange, n for nobody. Secretary: - Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. Just to make sure I'd like to repeat the number. It's Lon 2230 extension 2I. I'll contact your secretary when I've spoken to Mr. Petrov. Mr. Smith: - Thank you. Good-bye. Secretary: - Good-bye, Mr. Smith.

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